Monday, November 11, 2013

Hello I'm back I hope u enjoyed my banana blog so far!! I really enjoy doing my blog. I hope you do too. I'm really excited that u have decided to look at my banana blog. If you like banana so I hope you enjoy I know this isn't a big post just to update it ya know!!!!!!! thanks cya next time.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Banana's are a normal simple fruit. That some people don't and do like eating. Of course you all know what a banana is hopefully lol anyway moving on. I have a song that I would like to share its a remix of one song I know. So don't be like she copied that song lol. Here it goes do you like  banana's ya we like banana's do you like to peel the skin off ya we like to peel the skin off lllalallalalalal. Anyway I am banana girl just call me BG if you want I love to eat banana's. You will find me on aj (animla jam) a lot this year my friend Doxxie off aj (animal jam). She helped me with this she Is my good pak go to her blog clickey. She is my best friend in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!!! Well anyway thanks for visiting my blog.